Mutant of Fuji created by Thomas Braun in Süd-Tirol (IT). Late blossom time, highly frost-resistant. Ruby red stripes, glossy fruit. Sweet, crunchy fruit. Harvesting season: mid-October. Keeps well.
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Colour mutant of Jonagold created by H. Veulemans in Glabbeek (BE). Mid-season blossom time. Nuanced dark red flush against a green background. Large,
firm apple with excellent flavour. Harvesting season: late September to late October. Will keep as far as June.
Jonagold mutant created by J. Morren in Halen (BE). Mid-season blossom. Intensely red colour, with less colouration the fruit takes on a distinctly striped appearance. Crunchy, juicy, crispy tart flavour. Harvesting season: third week of September. Long storage life.