9-month, leg, interstock, Magnum

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Striped mutant hails from the south of France. Harvesting season: second week of September. Keeps well.
Dark red unstriped Gala. Mutant from Gala Schniga®. Harvesting season: early September.
Medium-sized, dark red apple. Red around the entire fruit. Harvesting season: early September. Mid-season blossom time. Mutant of Gala Schniga®Schnitzer.
Cross between Gala and Braeburn. Developed by KU Leuven and Johan Nicolai NV tree nursery. Large fruit with smooth skin and red flush. Harvesting season: late September. Mid-season blossom.
Red mutant of Jonagold created by the Princen brothers in Weert (NL). Deep red without stripes, large size fruit. Keeps very well with good shelf life. Harvesting season: after Conference, second week of September.
Mutant of Wilton's Red Jonaprince® which is darker and better, and changes colour slightly earlier. Its other qualities are identical to those of Wilton's Red Jonaprince®.